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Рейдбосс Wizard of Storm Teruk

Рейдбосс Wizard of Storm Teruk - Level 40

Рейдбосс Wizard of Storm Teruk находится в локации Plains of the Lizardmen (телепорт из Орена), РБ стоит рядом с точкой тп, смотрите карту на скриншоте.

HP 153167 P. Atk 287 M. Atk 42 P. Def 1615 M. Def 656

Миньоны: Teruk's Escort, Teruk's Knight


Big Hammer Big Hammer
Battle Axe Battle Axe
Heavy Doom Axe Heavy Doom Axe
Stick of Faith Stick of Faith
Crystal Staff Crystal Staff
Heavy Doom Hammer Heavy Doom Hammer
Skull Graver Skull Graver
Silver Axe Silver Axe
Aquastone Necklace Aquastone Necklace
Moonstone Earring Moonstone Earring
Aquastone Ring Aquastone Ring
Angel's Soul: C-Grade Angel's Soul: C-Grade
Destruction Tombstone Destruction Tombstone
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C)
Big Hammer Head Big Hammer Head
Battle Axe Head Battle Axe Head
Heavy Doom Axe Blade Heavy Doom Axe Blade
Stick of Faith Shaft Stick of Faith Shaft
Crystal Staff Head Crystal Staff Head
Heavy Doom Hammer Head Heavy Doom Hammer Head
Skull Graver Head Skull Graver Head
Silver Axe Head Silver Axe Head
Aquastone Necklace Chain Aquastone Necklace Chain
Moonstone Earring Wire Moonstone Earring Wire
Aquastone Ring Wire Aquastone Ring Wire
Greater Dye of CON (Con+2 Str-2) Greater Dye of CON (Con+2 Str-2)
Greater Dye of CON (Con+2 Dex-2) Greater Dye of CON (Con+2 Dex-2)
Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+2 Str-2) Greater Dye of DEX (Dex+2 Str-2)

Рейдбосс Wizard of Storm Teruk

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